How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Shoes?

In this article, we will find out how to eliminate cat urine smell and urine stain from your shoes. We will also understand why your cat urinated in your shoes instead of the its litter box. This will enable you to take an informed approach and solve other potential problems associated with your purry and furry friend. How strange it may sound, cat pee could actually be a shoe care problem.

how to get cat pee out of shoes

Cat Smell And Shoes

Cats are lovely pets. They’re low-maintenance, don’t need long walks or exercise, and love to snuggle with us as we binge-watch our favorite shows. Cats are excellent companions for people who work a lot, live alone, or like to travel since they make wonderful friends. You may not be aware that cats have the ability to do whatever they want if you’ve never owned one before.

cat shoes

Your cat may be an angel, but a younger cat or one that is unruly could wreak havoc. You could have come upon your cherished pet urinating in or on your favorite pair of shoes for a variety of reasons. Cat urine smells so horrible.

Every pet and the human relationship goes through adversity. If you and your cat are having a pee problem, you might want some advice on how to get cat pee out of shoes. We’ve got some wonderful cleaning methods for you that will remove the substance from your footwear so you can love your furry feline again.

Why My Cat Urinates In The Shoes?

It’s possible that your cat picked your shoes as its own personal toilet because, of all the places, it’s the worst. After all, your cat is litter-trained and usually uses the litter box, so what’s going on?

It’s critical to address this issue because there may be something more going on. Rather than jumping to the conclusion that your cat hates you and wants to express himself, consider whether there is anything else wrong.

Let us shed light on some of the potential reasons.

Dirty Litter Box

Scoop the litter box at least once a day. Some experts even advocate scooping multiple times a day if you have more than one cat utilizing the same box.

Cats’ superior sense of smell enables them to detect odors that humans can’t, so when they use the same litter box, they must perfume their own products as well as those of their housemates.

Clean the litter box on a regular basis and do the right thing by making sure it is cleaned at least once a day. If you don’t, be prepared to discover hair strewn throughout your house.

Potential Health Issues

Your cat’s health may be the source of his or her urination outside of the litter box. If you’ve noticed that your cat is peeing in a variety of places throughout your house, such as on the floor, furniture, and other locations, he could have a urinary tract infection.

Kidney disease and diabetes can all cause your cat to lose control of its bladder. All of these problems might be serious, and they may need immediate medical care. So, before you chastise your kitty, make an appointment with your veterinarian to see if anything else is wrong.

Any Kind Of Routine Change

Cats live on routines. Any kind of routine change, small or big, can confuse them. This can lead them to pee anywhere to relieve themselves.


Your cat may be peeing outside of his litter box for a variety of reasons. He might be stressed out, for example. Animals are unable to communicate with humans vocally, so they must communicate in other ways.

How To Get Cat Urine Stains And Urine Odor Out Of Your Shoes?

Cat urine smells pretty bad. Moreover, cat urine odor can lead to many health issues. That is why it is crucial to get cat urine odor and stains out of your shoes. Otherwise, the cat urine smell can become a constant lingering odor. Especially, if there is cat pee in your leather shoes.

cat in shoe wardrobe

Now, let us figure out the ways to eradicate the cat pee smell from your shoes. We will be using vinegar and baking soda.

How To Get Cat Urine Out Of Shoes Using Baking Soda?

Baking soda is an effective way to get rid of cat pee from shoes. It will help to remove the odor as well as the stain. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer, and it will also help to absorb moisture.

Here is what you need to do:

1. Take a clean cloth and dampen it in some water.

2. Now, sprinkle baking soda on the affected area.

3. Rub the baking soda into the fabric using a damp cloth.

4. Let the baking soda sit on the shoes for at least 30 minutes so that it can work its magic.

5. Once the time is up, brush off the baking soda with a clean brush.

How To Clean Cat Pee From Leather Shoes Using Apple Cider Vinegar?

If you are looking for an eco-friendly way to get rid of cat urine from leather shoes, then apple cider vinegar is the way to go. Apple cider vinegar is a natural sanitizer as well as a deodorizer. It will help to remove the cat pee odor as well as the stain.

cat sleeping by high heels

Here is what you need to do:

1. Take a clean cloth and dampen it in some water.

2. Now, sprinkle a few drops of apple cider vinegar on the area with cat pee.

3. Rub the cider vinegar into the fabric using a damp cloth.

4. Let the cider vinegar sit on the shoes for at least 30 minutes so that it can work its magic.

5. Once the time is up, brush off the apple cider vinegar with a clean brush.

Final Words

Using baking soda and cider vinegar, you can easily get rid of the cat pee smell. We highly recommend you find out the reason behind your cat’s odd urinating behavior. It is advised to consult a vet.

Patricia Merken

Interior design blogger

Neat freak and shoe lover. American expat in Switzerland.
Blogger and mom. Blogs at Footweardrobe.

Frequently Asked Questions: How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Shoes?

How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Shoes?

You can try to get cat pee stains out of shoes by using a mixture of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. First, blot the stain with a towel to absorb as much of the urine as possible. Then, mix together 1 cup of dish soap with 3 cups of hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the stain. Let it soak in for about an hour before scrubbing it with a toothbrush or rag. Finally, rinse the shoes off with water and let them dry.