How To Stop Shoes From Rubbing The Back Of Your Ankle?

Achy, irritated muscles in your feet from wearing the wrong pair of leather shoes might not be only unpleasant; it can also be extremely harmful. In this article we will learn techniques on how to stop shoes from rubbing the back of the ankle.

shoes rubbing back of ankle

Ankle Pain From Rubbing Shoes

Generally, the shoes rub the heels and back of your ankles due to friction. The continual shoe rubbing against the rear of your ankle may be excruciating. The easiest method to avoid this is to master how to stop shoes rubbing the back of your ankle.

pain foot

Many of us have a number of pairs of shoes that we adore and wear on a regular basis. However, the ankle begins to ache from time to time as they rub against one another. When your shoes grind against the back of your heels, friction is generated. Small cracks in the skin may develop into blisters and infection if left untreated.

You can avoid your shoes from rubbing your ankle by learning a few techniques that you may put into use and resolve this issue. Are you ready to learn how to stop shoes from rubbing the back of your ankle? Then, let’s get started.

First, let us understand in detail what happens when shoes rub the back of your ankles.

What Happens When Shoes Rub Against Your Ankles?

When your leather shoes or any kind of shoes are rubbing against the back of your ankle, small cuts are opened on your skin. Bacteria and fungus, which may be found in all of us, can enter these wounds and cause an infection.

Let us share some more problems that occur when you do not stop shoes rubbing your ankles and heels.


Bursitis is an inflammation of a joint. It occurs when tiny pieces of debris in your shoes irritate the ankle and cause discomfort.

As a consequence, the skin reddens, swells, and becomes painful, sometimes to the extent that you can’t wear anything on your feet at all.

Foot Blisters

When you bend or flex your ankle, these blisters often increase in size. Furthermore, if they break, the skin beneath is raw and more susceptible to infection.

We’ve all had blisters at some point in our life (particularly with new shoes), and we’ve all experienced how terrible they can be, especially if you have a job that requires you to walk a lot.

Achilles Tendinosis

Achilles tendonitis is a more severe form of bursitis and can be extremely painful. It’s when the Achilles tendon deteriorates and becomes inflamed.

It can lead to ruptures in the tendon, resulting in less shock absorption and increased discomfort when walking or jogging. It’s a long-term issue.

Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles Tendinitis

A painful injury or overuse of the Achilles tendon can cause Achilles tendinitis. As a result, the band of tissue that connects your heel and calf muscles becomes inflamed and unpleasant to the touch. If left unchecked, it might lead to a ruptured tendon, which is extremely discomforting and limiting.

Shoe material is an important factor that leads to shoes rubbing against ankles. Generally, leather shoes or suede shoes are known for causing more such issues.

However, some kinds of fabric shoes also rub too. Wearing shoes that are tight can cause hurt not your ankle but the whole foot too. Running shoes are also largely known to rub against your ankle if the quality is low or if the shoe lining is hard. Dress shoes and even new shoes can be the culprit.

How To Stop Shoes From Rubbing The Back Of Your Ankle?

It is very easy to get blisters from new shoes and even shoes hurting your ankle. Now, how to stop shoes from rubbing against your ankles.

stop foot ache

Well, essentially, the motive is to reduce friction between the shoe and the back of your ankle. Moreover, you can create a soft cushion between the shoe material and the back of your ankle. Plus, there are many other hacks.

Let us now explore ways to do that.

Use A Shoe Stretcher

When you buy new shoes, they are stiff and irritate the back of your ankle and heel. A Shoe stretcher is less likely to cause discomfort by rubbing the back of your foot.

There are several methods for stretching and preventing irritation on the back of your ankle and heel but there is one that is the best. First, get a shoe stretcher from the market. You’ll find our article on the best shoe stretchers here.

Best Shoe Stretcher

You won’t have to worry about harming the shoe’s quality if you use a shoe stretcher. The length and width of your shoes can be expanded using a shoe stretcher.

This gadget includes a handle and knob that you turn to alter the size of the shoe. This tool comes in handy when you have new shoes or a tight shoe as well. It can fix shoes causing any kind of disturbance.

Wear Shoes With Thick Socks

When your socks don’t provide enough cushioning between your feet and the shoes, blisters and rubbing can result.

Wear socks with some natural bulk & padding (they should not be overly thick but also not entirely thin). Additionally, we recommend wearing socks made from materials that draw moisture away from the skin, such as wool.

Cotton, on the other hand, tends to collect moisture between the skin and the sock. Socks have come a long way in recent years. Simply invest in thicker socks. A more durable sock that isn’t too inexpensive.

Honestly, this is one of the best ways to stop shoes from rubbing.

Use A Shoe Conditioner

Shoe conditioners are creamy waxes or oily liquids that enter the roots of the shoe’s leather through scuffs and cracks and react with it, softening it so that your heels and ankles do not dig into them.

Best leather conditioner for shoes and boots
The Saphir leather conditioner

That is quite effective to stop shoes rubbing the back of your ankles. Shoe conditioner will also help if you have sweaty feet and can act as an anti-friction balm.

You’ll find our article on the best shoe conditioners here.

Use Heel Pads When Wearing Shoes

Using heel pads with new shoes can stop shoes rubbing against your ankles. Heel pads/cushions are a great way to protect your heels and flats from the dangers of sharp edges. They provide some cushioning to the heel bone and are thin enough to tuck into your shoes in your closet. Heel pads are also beneficial when used with leather shoes or running shoes.

Final Words

The best way to stop shoes from rubbing your ankles is by using a shoe stretcher. A shoe stretcher will help you to stretch the length and width of your shoes. Additionally, we recommend wearing socks with some natural bulk & padding (they should not be overly thick but also not entirely thin). Finally, using heel pads when wearing shoes can also prevent shoes from rubbing against Ankles.

For more shoe care tips from Footweardrobe, click here.

Patricia Merken

Interior design blogger

Neat freak and shoe lover. American expat in Switzerland.
Blogger and mom. Blogs at Footweardrobe.

Frequently Asked Questions: How To Stop Shoes From Rubbing The Back Of Your Ankle?

How To Stop Shoes From Rubbing The Back Of Your Ankle?

There are a few ways to stop shoes from rubbing the back of your ankle. One way is to buy shoes that are a size or two larger than what you would normally wear. This will give your feet more room in the shoe and will help to prevent the rubbing from occurring. Another way to stop the rubbing is to put moleskin on the back of your ankle. This will provide a cushion between your skin and the shoe, and will help to prevent the friction from happening. Lastly, you can try wearing high socks with your shoes. This will add an extra layer of protection between your skin and the shoe, and will help to stop the rubbing from happening.