Boots organization tips

“A well-organized boot collection is the first step towards a successful day.”

Bootifully Organized: Tips For How To Organize Boots

Boots are a staple of every woman’s wardrobe. They are versatile, stylish, and comfortable. However, organizing them can be a daunting task. Nothing is more frustrating than searching for your favorite pair of boots in a cluttered closet. In this article, we will share tips on how to organize boots in a way that is functional, practical, and visually appealing. Let’s get started!

Sort and Declutter Your Boot Collection

The first step to organizing your boot collection is to sort and declutter. Begin by taking all your boots out of the closet and placing them on the floor. This will allow you to see your entire collection and assess what you have. Start by eliminating any boots that are worn out, damaged, or that you haven’t worn in over a year. Donate or sell any boots that are in good condition but that you no longer wear.

Categorize Your Boot Collection

Once you have decluttered your collection, categorize your boots. This will help you to organize them in a way that makes sense to you. Some categories to consider include ankle boots, knee-high boots, dress boots, rain boots, and winter boots. Categorizing your boots will make it easier to find what you’re looking for and keep your collection organized.

Invest in Boot Shapers

Boot shapers are an excellent investment for any boot lover. They help to maintain the shape of your boots and prevent creasing. They also make it easier to store your boots in a neat and organized manner. Boot shapers come in different sizes and materials, so choose ones that are suitable for the type of boots you own.

Use Boot Boxes or Clear Containers

Boot boxes or clear containers are an effective way to store your boots neatly. They allow you to see what you have without having to open each box. This is especially helpful if you have a large collection of boots. You can also label the boxes or containers to make it easier to find what you need.

Boots organization tips.

Consider a Boot Rack or Organizer

If you have limited closet space, a boot rack or organizer can be a great solution. These racks come in different styles and sizes, and they allow you to store your boots vertically. This is a great way to save space and keep your boots easily accessible. Boot racks or organizers are also visually appealing and can add a touch of style to any room.

Store Your Boots Properly

Storing your boots properly is essential to maintaining their shape and condition. Avoid storing them in direct sunlight or damp areas. Instead, keep them in a cool, dry place. Stuff your boots with tissue paper or a boot shaper to maintain their shape. If you’re storing your boots for an extended period, consider using a boot bag to protect them from dust and damage.

Final Thoughts

Organizing your boot collection may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips, you can keep your boots organized, easily accessible, and in excellent condition. Remember to declutter, categorize, invest in boot shapers, use boot boxes or clear containers, consider a boot rack or organizer, and store your boots properly. With these tips, you can have a bootifully organized collection that will make you the envy of all your friends.

Bootifully Organized: Bonus Tips

If you’re looking for additional ways to organize your boot collection, consider these bonus tips:

Create a Boot Lookbook

A boot lookbook is a great way to keep track of your boot collection and outfit ideas. Take photos of each pair of boots and categorize them in a notebook. You can also add outfit ideas and notes about where and when you wore them.

Rotate Your Boots

Rotating your boots is a great way to keep them fresh and prevent wear and tear. Instead of wearing the same pair every day, try to alternate between different pairs. This will also give you a chance to showcase your entire collection.

Use Boot Clips

Boot clips are a simple but effective way to keep your boots together. They prevent your boots from falling over and taking up unnecessary space in your closet. Boot clips come in different sizes and designs, so choose ones that are suitable for your boots.

In conclusion, organizing your boot collection is a great way to keep your closet neat, tidy, and visually appealing. Start by decluttering and categorizing your boots, invest in boot shapers, use boot boxes or clear containers, consider a boot rack or organizer, and store your boots properly. With these tips, you can have a bootifully organized collection that will make you the envy of all your friends.

Boots organization tips


Frequently Asked Questions



Question: How do I start organizing my boot collection?


Answer: Start by taking all your boots out of the closet and sorting them. Declutter any boots that are worn out, damaged, or that you haven’t worn in over a year. Once you have decluttered, categorize your boots into different groups, such as ankle boots, knee-high boots, dress boots, rain boots, and winter boots.


Question: Should I invest in boot shapers?


Answer: Yes, boot shapers are an excellent investment for any boot lover. They help maintain the shape of your boots and prevent creasing. They make it easier to store your boots in a neat and organized way. Boot shapers come in different sizes and materials, so choose ones that are suitable for the type of boots you own.


Question: What is the best way to store my boots?


Answer: Store your boots properly to maintain their shape and condition. Avoid storing them in direct sunlight or damp areas. Instead, keep them in a cool, dry place. Stuff your boots with tissue paper or a boot shaper to maintain their shape. If you’re storing your boots for an extended period, consider using a boot bag to protect them from dust and damage.


Question: Are boot racks or organizers useful?


Answer: If you have limited closet space, a boot rack or organizer can be a great solution. These racks come in different styles and sizes, and they allow you to store your boots vertically. This is an excellent way to save space and keep your boots easily accessible. Boot racks or organizers are also visually appealing and can add a touch of style to any room.


Question: How can I keep my boots fresh?


Answer: One way to keep your boots fresh is to rotate them. Instead of wearing the same pair every day, try to alternate between different pairs. This will also give you a chance to showcase your entire collection. Another way to keep your boots fresh is to use boot clips. Boot clips are a simple but effective way to keep your boots together. They prevent your boots from falling over and taking up unnecessary space in your closet.

Patricia Merken

Interior design blogger

Neat freak and shoe lover. American expat in Switzerland.
Blogger and mom. Blogs at Footweardrobe.

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