“A perfect match made in heaven – matching wedding shoes for the bride and groom.”

Solemates: Matching Wedding Shoes for Bride and Groom

A wedding day is one of the most special days in one’s life, and every detail counts. From the wedding dress to the decorations, everything needs to be perfect. One detail that is often overlooked is the bride and groom’s wedding shoes. Finding matching shoes for the bride and groom is not only practical but also adds a touch of romance to the occasion. In this article, we will explore the world of matching wedding shoes for bride and groom and offer some unique suggestions.

Why Matching Wedding Shoes are Important

Matching wedding shoes may seem like a small detail, but they add an invaluable touch of unity and romance to the wedding. It signifies that the bride and groom are a team starting their journey together. When the wedding album is viewed years later, matching wedding shoes will evoke the memory of the love shared between the couple, the excitement of the wedding day, and the joy of starting a new life together.

Symbolism of Matching Wedding Shoes

Matching wedding shoes symbolize the unity of the bride and groom. The couple is starting a new chapter in their lives, and a pair of matching wedding shoes serves as a physical representation of this union. It also signifies that the couple is ready to face any challenge together. In addition, it is a fun way to show off the couple’s style and personality.

Types of Matching Wedding Shoes

Color-Coordinated Wedding Shoes

Color-coordinated wedding shoes are an excellent way to match the bride and groom’s shoes. This can be achieved by choosing shoes of the same color or by selecting hues that complement each other. If the bride is wearing a light ivory dress, the groom can wear ivory shoes, and if the bride is wearing a champagne dress, the groom can wear brown shoes. This is an easy way to match the shoes without necessarily having the same design.

Matching Embellishments

Matching embellishments is another way to match the bride and groom’s shoes. The shoes can have the same lace, beading, or embroidery. This may require a bit more work but creates a beautiful, cohesive look. This option is perfect for couples who want to match their shoes but want different colors or designs.

Matching Designs

Matching designs are perfect for couples who want to have the same style of shoes. This can be achieved by choosing the same type of shoe, like a classic Oxford or a stylish loafer. The couple can even customize their shoes with unique designs that represent their love story or shared interests. This option is perfect for couples who want to make a statement.

Where to Find Matching Wedding Shoes

Bridal Boutiques

Bridal boutiques are a great place to start when looking for matching wedding shoes. Many boutiques have a section dedicated to wedding shoes, and the staff can help you find the perfect pair for both the bride and groom. They may even have matching sets available.

Online Stores

Online stores are a great option for couples who want to shop around and browse different styles. Many online stores have a wide range of wedding shoes, and they can be customized to match the couple’s preferences. It is essential to read reviews and check the return policy before making a purchase to avoid any inconvenience.

Shoe Designers

Shoe designers are perfect for couples who want a completely customized and personalized pair of shoes. They can work with the couple to create a design that reflects their relationship and love story. However, this option may be more expensive, and it may take longer to receive the finished product.

Tips for Choosing Matching Wedding Shoes


The bride and groom’s wedding day will be long and tiring, so it is essential to choose comfortable shoes. The couple needs to ensure that their shoes are comfortable enough to wear throughout the day without causing any discomfort or pain.

Season and Venue

The season and venue of the wedding should also be considered when choosing matching wedding shoes. For example, if the wedding is in the summer, the couple may opt for open-toed shoes, while a winter wedding may require closed-toe shoes.

Style and Personality

The couple’s style and personality should be reflected in their wedding shoes. It is an excellent opportunity to showcase their individuality and make a statement. The shoes should complement the wedding dress and suit and make the couple feel confident and stylish.

Novel Suggestions for Matching Wedding Shoes

Scented Wedding Shoes

A novel suggestion for matching wedding shoes is to have them scented. The bride and groom can choose their favorite scent, and it can be infused into the shoe material. This will create a unique and memorable experience for the couple and their guests.

Wedding Shoe Activity

Another unique suggestion is to have a wedding shoe activity. The couple can provide blank canvas shoes, and guests can decorate them with paint, markers, or other materials. This will create a fun and interactive experience for everyone involved, and the bride and groom can wear the shoes as a reminder of their special day.

Matching Socks

Matching socks are a fun and practical way to match the bride and groom’s shoes. The socks can have the same pattern or color as the shoes, creating a cohesive look. This is an excellent option for couples who want to match their shoes but cannot find the same design or color.


Matching wedding shoes for bride and groom are a small detail that can add a lot to the wedding day. They symbolize unity, love, and the start of a new journey. There are many options for matching wedding shoes, including color coordination, matching embellishments, and matching designs. It is essential to choose comfortable shoes that reflect the couple’s personality and complement the wedding dress and suit. These suggestions will help make the day more memorable and unique.

Frequently asked questions

Why are matching wedding shoes important?

Matching wedding shoes may seem like a small detail, but they add an invaluable touch of unity and romance to the wedding. The bride and groom starting a journey together, and a pair of matching wedding shoes serves as a physical representation of this union. When viewed years later, matching wedding shoes will evoke memories of the love shared between the couple and the excitement of the wedding day.

What are the different types of matching wedding shoes?

Matching wedding shoes can be achieved in various ways. Couples can opt for color coordination, matching embellishments, or matching designs. Color coordination can be achieved by selecting hues that complement each other or choosing shoes of the same color. Matching embellishments, such as lace or beading, can create a cohesive look. Matching designs, such as choosing the same type of shoe, is perfect for couples who want to make a statement.

Where can I find matching wedding shoes?

Bridal boutiques, online stores, and shoe designers are perfect places to find matching wedding shoes. Bridal boutiques have a section dedicated to wedding shoes, while online stores have a wide range of wedding shoes that can be customized to match a couple’s preference. Shoe designers offer the added benefit of creating personalized and customized shoes but may be a pricier option.

What should I consider when choosing matching wedding shoes?

Couples should consider comfort, season, venue, style, and personality when choosing matching wedding shoes. The shoes should be comfortable enough to wear throughout the day, appropriate for the season and venue, and complement the wedding dress and suit. The shoes should also reflect the couple’s style and personality.

What are some unique suggestions for matching wedding shoes?

Couples can consider options such as scented wedding shoes, a wedding shoe activity for guests, or matching socks to add uniqueness to their matching wedding shoes. Scented wedding shoes can infuse the couple’s favorite scent into the shoe material, and a wedding shoe activity allows guests to decorate blank canvas shoes. Matching socks can be a practical way to match shoes when the same design or color is not available.

Patricia Merken

Interior design blogger

Neat freak and shoe lover. American expat in Switzerland.
Blogger and mom. Blogs at Footweardrobe.

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